Fall 2023 Campaign

Fall 2023 Campaign

We've secured a $15,500 price ceiling on 2 bed, 3 zone condenser setups for heat pump installations.

Update: the fall campaign is now over. Thank you for joining us in this bulk deal - we had 20+ installations and collectively saved nearly $100k. Our biggest discount was someone who lowered a quote by $7,500. Be on the lookout for a bigger campaign in the spring! 

What up Boston - I'm the guy who posted that heat pump installation pricing benchmark with 20 contractors the other day. I ended up organizing with 25 interested neighbors (including some of you here!) to secure a deal with N.E.T.R. and Elephant Energy.

Note: to get this, you need to enter your email on the landing page so I can CC' you to our specific contact. Directly calling N.E.T.R. and asking about the bulk deal won't work. 

Anyone can take advantage of this for the rest of the month, and I'm posting the numbers here as a price ceiling because I really don't think you should be paying anything more than what's listed here (with any installer).

Here's what N.E.T.R. is offering for standard installations:

Type Setup Pricing
Ductless 3 Heads, 1 Condenser $15,500.00
Ductless 4 Heads, 1 Condenser $19,000.00

Larger installations would be priced accordingly, but they declined to commit to a general standard benchmark. I trust that they'll honor their word, but in case we need to verify...

Here's what Elephant is offering for standard installations:

Type Setup Pricing
Ductless 3 Heads, 1 Condenser $15,500.00
Ductless 4 Heads, 1 Condenser $19,000.00
Ductless 5 Heads, 2 Condensers $24,500.00
Central Air 2 Ton $16,000.00
Central Air 3 Ton $18,500.00
Central Air 4 Ton $19,500.00

Other info:

  • Doesn't include electrical panel or service upgrades, but does include standard electrical work.
  • Both contractors are offering to install Mitsubishi HyperHeat equipment, and have maxed out 12-year Diamond Dealer warranties.
  • Elephant is definitely offering to take the $10k MassSave rebate off up front, N.E.T.R. is (maybe?) willing to do the same, and both will largely handle rebates for you.
  • N.E.T.R. also has a massive team (100+) so I anticipate service to be better with N.E.T.R., as Elephant is just moving into this market.

    I'll leave the benchmark spreadsheet with 20 contractors here.

    Enter your email on the home page if you want to get access to the bulk rates - or, if you're a negotiation ninja, feel free to use these to get even better deals for yourself :)

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